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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hello there

In the winter we had a really amazing thing happen, it snowed and it covered everything. We sometimes get snow but it hardly ever settles  on the ground. Here are some photos taken around our school. We had a day off school. There has only been snow like this about 3 times in the last 100 years in Masterton. Mr Hornby

Georgia-Rugby world cup

Hi I am Georgia and today it is 27 of October. We are all very proud of our All blacks they played great and they one the rugby world cup they especially did good in the final against France.It was a really close game . The score was 7-8 it was so close but we did it. It has been fun coming back to school cause we had school holidays 2 days ago. so how were your school holidays?
what sort of stuff did you do in the holidays? how is the weather ?The weather over here is drizzly but their is a worm breeze.

rugby world cup Cassie

Hi I am Cassie and we are back at school we are learning lots of new things.For the rugby word cup we had a thing going on in our class and we each got a team to go for in the rugby world cup and my team was New Zealand and I watched all of their games and they did really well in the final.The weather here is really drizzly and wet but we are still having fun.What sort of things did you guys do over the holidays? Did you do any thing for the rugby world cup?How was the weather over the holidays?Here we are really proud of the All Blacks.How did you guys get behind the rugby world cup? So what sort of things have you been doing at school? Cassie

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hi Laura
We start back at school tomorrow. The term is later this year because of the rugby world cup. We only have 8 weeks before the Christmas holidays. Our year 6 children will move on to Intermediate. Intermediate (11-13 yrs old) is just for 2 years before they go to college or high school.
Look forward to catching up with what has been happening.
Steve Hornby